I ended up getting home too late last night to write a post so I'm going to do yesterday and today in one.
Tried out a fun side braid yesterday. I tried doing the reverse or dutch braid but it's really hard for me to do it behind my head so I went for a french instead.
I am VERY happy to report that the van did NOT have a dead fuel pump and that it was indeed the fuel filter. What a relief, as well as way less money. We replaced the fuel pump on this same van just a couple of years ago and I know just how expensive it is.
As soon as Chris got home from work last night we drove into Victoria to pick the van up as well as return our rental car. Rather than go all the way back to the airport we were able to return the car to a rental in downtown Victoria which turned into the perfect excuse to go to one of my favourite restaurants, Cafe Mexico! More info here: Cafe Mexico
Ella having fun outside the restaurant with the statue of Michael Williams.
This morning was another round of getting kiddies up, fed and Ella off to school before coming back to do dog chores, clean the house and attack the mountain of laundry that was waiting for me(which I get to fold tonight while I "relax" ;) ).
At about 10:30 my friend Cherie stopped by so I could take her for her yearly eye appt. Because she gets drops in her eyes that make it difficult for her to see she isn't supposed to drive so I was happy to help out. While she had her appt I ran errands such as going to the bank, grabbing the free Tim Horton's coffee that Chris won on "roll up the rim", grocery shopping as well as a quick trip to Wal Mart. While picking up the things on my list I found this great Thermos brand travel mug in a purple colour that I love, it was marked down to $7, a great deal!
Once I was done running errands I picked Cherie up and then we went back to my house for lunch, tea and a catch up chat. After that I went and picked up Ella, home to flip laundry and quick snack for the kiddies and back out the door for swimming lessons.
Chris is away overnight for work tonight so dinner was a simple affair of rotisserie chicken sandwiches, salad and corn on the cob(I decided to pretend it was summer in the hopes that the weather would follow suit....so far not happening...). Dinner was a big hit for Marshall for once(that boy can be so picky) and he ate a ton.
Now the kids are bathed and once they are in bed I am hoping to get a run in on the treadmill as I haven't been on there since Saturday(although I'm eating like I run a marathon everyday :S).
After that it will be dog chores again, laundry folding, shower and I'm hoping to finish the book I've been reading called: "Before I Go To Sleep". I'll give you my review as soon as I'm done.
Sleep well friends! :)
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