I tried a little something different with my hair today. These pictures were taken when Ella got home from school so the waves are looking a little flatter than they did this morning but it was super easy to do and I like how it turned out. Just a simple twist gathering hair in the front and then just twisting all the way to the end and securing with an elastic(I need to find some clear or brown ones...this yellow one was from Ella. :P ).

This is the gorgeous weather I woke up to this morning. I took this picture at about 7:30 this morning and right now it is dumping rain outside. The sun was just a tease! I can't wait for summer.

I was finishing yesterday's laundry this morning, and Marshall wanted to share with you how his mother dresses him on laundry days. Ella's old pink tights work great as pj's in a pinch...haha.

This is just a quick one, just heading out the door to gymnastics! More later tonight, I want to talk about face products and the book I finished reading.
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