Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's official!!

Hello! I'm so excited to announce that my new business is off the ground! The name is...(drum roll please..)...... EllaMarsh! It sounds like a fun accessories name to me and of course a combination of Ella  and Marshall makes it very dear to my heart. :) 
 My latest work is pictured below and is also listed on Etsy(yes I now have a store on Etsy :) ). 

 I will be doing this one in a variety of colours and combinations with custom sizing to fit all wrists. I'll be listing more things on Etsy over the next few days so check it out and please feel free to share it with your friends. :)
 I will also be putting together a Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter: Mariah Dupuy (ellamarshshop) on Twitter
 Hope you all had a great weekend!