You know what else is fun to do on a lazy Sunday? Polish toes. :) Here are Ella's wee little feet with her favourite polish. I decided on a bright pink, so now we are both ready for Summer(in our minds....).
I admit, this dinner is one of my favourites too. Who can resist comfort food? Mashed potatoes(which I think pretty much belong with any meal...must be the Irish in me), yorkshire pudding, a roast done with a perfect bark on the outside(you know what I'm talking about..that perfect crust on the outside..mmmmmm) and all covered in a delicious gravy made in the roast pot with potato water and roast drippings.

Yeah I know, super low calorie, but trust me, last night I just didn't worth it. Today...I'm afraid to get on the scale..... I think there's a reason I'm so "cuddly". :P
I've been reading Chelsea Handler's book Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, but had to give it up...way too raunchy. I can handle some, in the name of funny, but this one just went too far. So last night I started The Hunger Games. Chris read it first and really enjoyed it and we are planning to see the movie so it seemed an obvious choice. I'm a few chapters in and so far so good.
Back on the treadmill's another great running song: Pitbull - Pause
Mmmmm pot roast :) LOVE mashed potatoes and gravy