The biggest news from the last couple of days is the wedding of my sister Chantal to her long time boyfriend(and now husband) Mark. Don't they look sweet? :)

The weather for the wedding couldn't have been more perfect. The lovely sunshine managed to take the chill out of the air and the Filberg Park in Comox was the perfect backdrop for some beautiful pictures. My brother told me that the Park was originally homesteaded by Mr Filberg who settled Comox many years ago. His house, and old outbuildings(dairy barn, chicken coop, root cellar etc..) are all still standing as well as his amazing grape arbor that still produces huge bunches of grapes. The vines are over 70 years old and the trunks look like small trees. I can only imagine how they will look in a couple of months when their leaves are out.
The kids were pretty good for the wedding. It's a long day when you are little, but Ella was a trooper and Marshall was pretty good up until the actual ceremony and then Chris had to duck out with him for a short bit. Missing nap time does not fit well into his schedule.

Overall it was a really good day and I'm so glad we were able to share it with Mark and Chantal. All the best to you two! :)
I have been looking around to get some new sheets for our bed, but suffer from sticker shock every time I see them for a king size bed. Dang they are expensive! I did find these ones at Costco and they were only $38.99, a super good deal. The little green leaves go very nicely with the grey duvet cover don't you think(and you can certainly see what a bookworm I am! lol)?

I have gotten very spoiled with my bamboo sheets(let me tell you, if you don't have bamboo sheets you should consider making the investment...there is NOTHING like them...they are amazing), but they are very expensive so I decided to try these cheapies from Costco. They do the job but they have nothing on the bamboo and feel very rough in comparison. They should soften a bit more with use, but I am pretty sold on the bamboo. :)
The gorgeous weather has been bringing with it more and more outside time, and I love that we can go outside in nothing but a t shirt..come on summer! Here's a cute pic of the kiddies enjoying some bubbles.
I told you in a previous post about my smoothie drinking and it's still going strong as my morning staple. The blender that I had was really awful. It would take many tries to get it together properly so it wouldn't leak and then it was almost impossible to get it to sit right on the base so that it would turn on, and then it usually still leaked anyway...hated it! I decided to see what Wal Mart had in the blender department and came across this little gem. It's only $16 and makes the perfect amount for Ella and I in the morning. It's really easy to use with no mess whatsoever and it comes with a to go lid so you can just pop it on the top and take it with you in the car. I absolutely love it!
I also thought I would share a pic of one of my favourite quick to go sandwiches. This is the Bistro Club from Safeway. The Safeway sandwich counter is one million times better than Subway. This sandwich is delicious!
Anyone heading to Victoria for the Times Colonist 10k next weekend??? I'm debating entering...anyone want to join me? I've done this race a few times in the past and it is so fun. The route is beautiful and makes it's way through Beacon Hill Park and along the water on Dallas Rd and there are so many people it really feels like you are a part of something big. And quite frankly you are as race monies are donated to different charities each year, this year five are benefiting which you can read about on the TC10K site:
TC10K So, anyone want to do it with me?? :)