Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Food and exercise

 Today is the end of day ten being wheat/gluten free and things are going very well. There are times when it has been tempting (our family day trip this weekend that started with a trip to Tim Hortons for coffee...there are no gluten free options there and the kids and Chris indulged in treats, or the Sunday brunch waffles with jam and whipped cream...yummy!) but I have stayed strong. I've committed to this and intend to see it through. One real difference I have noticed is that I don't feel tired all the time, which is huge. I had been feeling pretty draggy for the two or three weeks leading up to the diet change, and that went away almost immediately. I also feel like my attitude has improved, I feel more cheery. I hope very much that these two things are a result of cutting the wheat because I would love to feel like I am control of both.

So on to what I've been eating. This is today's lunch: I felt very chilled today after getting home from my morning walk, but a bowl of butternut squash soup and a cup of tea had me right as rain. I really like this particular store bought organic soup and have bought it several times in the past. I found it at my local Thrifty Foods. I think it would also be good over rice with some lightly cooked veggies like peppers, corn and peas, or whatever you like really.

Chris has put himself in charge of our Sunday night dinners (umm...yes please) and this Sunday he made a delicious pork roast in the oven that was cooked until it was falling apart, oven roasted yams, onions, carrots and potato medley (SO good...perfectly caramelized), oven roasted spaghetti squash with cumin, my mother's pickled beets, and I made the salad. Seriously delicious and healthy comfort food. I'm already looking forward to next Sunday.

Another dinner: spaghetti squash, chicken and veggie stir fry with fresh herbs and a salad.

My grocery cart today, lots of colour and lots of fruit and veg. The Japanese mandarins at Thrifty Foods right now are excellent...I should know, I ate three of them tonight.....

This is the track I run on. I am so thankful for a well lit and maintained area to run on at night. This is my time to leave the kids at home and get some really good cardio and I love every hard minute of it. I did 6+km tonight alternating running and walking. I also walked 7 and a half km this morning. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my big exercise days, the other days I just walk in the morning.

This is so true, anyone can (and should) take that hour for themselves. The benefits are worth every minute....

A new exercise song for you: 

And if you like Alex Cross's song Too Close (which I do a lot), than you might want to check out this cover of it by Melanie Martinez from The Voice. I don't watch The Voice but I found this on iTunes:


1 comment:

  1. Hi again!
    I know that this is also a way old post, but I know that building lean muscle will up your metabolism and help you burn more calories. Lifting weights will not make you bulky and you will end up nice and toned more than you will be just running all the time. Muscle is attractive to me, but the flab I see after a weight loss with no muscle tone is not. You don't look like you carry a lot of extra weight, but lifting will also tighten up loose skin in places.
